Where we're from...

Friends, Collaborators, & Cool Scientists

Anthony Amend - University of Hawai'i, Manoa

Betsy Arnold - University of Arizona

Claudio Avignone-Rossa - University of Surrey

David Baum - University of Wisconsin-Madison

Stephen Callister* - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Ignazio Carbone - North Carolina State University

Jitka Cejkova - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic

Roger Chang* - Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Lee Cronin - University of Glasgow, Scotland

Renee Cunningham - UM School of Education

Antonio Di Pietro - University of Córdoba, Spain

Amar Chittiboyina - UM National Center for Natural Products Research

Pierre-Marc Delaux - Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France

Rob Dunn - North Carolina State University

Matthew Egbert - University of Auckland, New Zealand

Emilio Fernández - University of Córdoba, Spain

Aurora Galván - University of Córdoba, Spain

József Geml - Eszterházy Károly University, Eger, Hungary

Jennifer Gifford - University of Mississippi (Geology)

Amy Gladfelter - Duke University

Ursula Goodenough - Washington University of St. Louis

Anna Gorbushina - Freie Universität Berlin & BAM, Germany

Valerie Harmon - Harmon Consulting

Quincey Justman - The Broad Institute

Yarden Katz - University of Michigan

Sergey Kryazhimskiy - University of California San Diego

Liedewij Laan - Kavli Institute of Nanoscience

Soni Lacefield - Indiana University Bloomington

Jun-Yi Leu - Institute of Molecular Biology, Taiwan

Alex Lewin - Feed Me Like You Mean It

Louise Lewis - University of Connecticut

Sam Lisi - University of Mississippi (Math)

Mike Lomas - Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Maine

François Lutzoni - Duke University

Franck Marchis - SETI Institute

Catherine Masson-Boivin - INRA, Auzeville, France

Jake McKinlay - Indiana University

Seppe Kuehn - University of Chicago

Maria Mittag - Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany

Cam Muir - Big Island Tea and University of Hawai'i Hilo

Craig Nelson - University of Hawai'i Manoa

Irene Newton - Indiana University Bloomington

Nicole Pietrasiak - New Mexico State University

Alex Penn - University of Surrey

Georg Pohnert - Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany

Nirmal Pugh - UM National Center for Natural Products Research

Severin Sasso - Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany

Alison Sherwood - University of Hawai'i, Manoa

Eric Smith - Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo, Japan

Jason Stajich - University of California Riverside

Cole Stevens - UM Department of BioMolecular Sciences

San Trull - The Sloth Institute of Costa Rica

Ben Wolfe - Tufts University

Nicole van Dam - iDiv, Leigzig & Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany

Cristina Varese - Università degli Studi Di Torino & Mycotheca

Sarah Walker - Arizona State University

John Yin - University of Wisconsin-Madison

Peter Zee - University of Mississippi (Biology)

* part of upcoming collaborative NASA project on desert biocrusts

Lab Members

Head Coach

Erik Hom (New York, NY)
Nicknames: "Erik", "Dr. Evil," "Señor Chang"
Principal Investigator


Trained as a biophysicist with a bent towards physical chemistry, my current research focuses primarily on understanding how microbes adapt to live together symbiotically, particularly at the level of genes and metabolism. My research interests over the years have been (and remain) eclectic, but there is actually some rhyme and reason to them (see the research tab). More about Erik here.

Staff & Postdocs

Andrew Ahearne (Asheville, North Carolina)
Nicknames: "Andrew", "The-Young-Guy", "Mr. Anime"
Ph.D. Pharmacognsy, University of Mississippi [2024]
B.S. Chemistry

Hi, I'm Andrew, maybe one day I'll be a real doctor. My primary research is focused on two goals: 1) heterologous expression of exciting and secret BGCs (shh) and 2) the creation of high-yield expression strains of model microbes. In addition, I'll probably be involved in some of the lab's new work on Chlamydomonas and biocrusts—oh fun! In my free time, I enjoy growing exotic fruiting plants from around the world. That's my secret for keeping me looking as young as I do. Keywords: cloning, heterologous expression, biosynthetic gene clusters, bacteria, biocrusts, exotic plants

Graduate Students

Prabin Dawadi (Gorkha, Nepal)
Nicknames: "Gorkhali," "PD"
Ph.D. student
M.Sc. Medical Microbiology, Central Department of Microbiology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
B.Sc. Microbiology, Pinnacle College, Tribhuvan University, Lalitpur, Nepal

I am a Ph.D. student in the Hom Lab interested in understanding microbial interactions in the evolution of microbial communities and am working on understanding the evolution of Dr. Hom's model yeast-Chlamy mutualistic system, and other natural communities of reduced complexity. After training in my Ph.D., I wish to lead product-oriented research. Outside of the lab, I love playing ping-pong and basketball! Also, I'm a good listener :) because I enjoy hearing about other people's life experiences.
Keywords: co-evolution, algae, fungi, metagenomics, bioinformatics, product-oriented research, table tennis, basketball, listening

Noah Kilonzo (Nairobi, Kenya)
Nicknames: "Nuhu"
Ph.D. student
B.S. Biology, Ankara University, Ankara, Türkiye

I joined the Hom lab in January 2024 and am doing research into algal-bacterial-plant mutualisms, particularly focusing on how these interactions play out during seed germination and establishment. I’m passionate about science and service and I’m curious as to where this will take me! I also enjoy meeting new people, singing and reading books (was a librarian in high school)!.
Keywords: Seed-endomicrobiome, plant-microbe interactions, bioinformatics, coevolution, education, operatic singing

Nadim Sharif (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Nicknames: "Nadim"
Ph.D. student (starting Fall 2025)
M.S. Microbiology, Jahangirnagar University B.Sc. Microbiology, Jahangirnagar University

I will be joining the Hom lab as a Ph.D. student in January 2025. Working on understanding microbial interactions at the molecular level is always exciting and fun for me. I hope to work on underestanding microbial interactions and their co-evolutionary histories both in the environment and in relation to the human gut. I will likely work on both the lab's projects on biocrusts and kefir. In particular, I want to explore more of the molecular genetics of viruses that are a component of these microbial communities. If all goes well, findings from these projects should contribute to finding answers to some basic questions related to human health and the origin of life. In my spare time, I like to explore new places and photograph nature and landscape scenes.
Keywords: microbial interactions, coevolution, viruses, biocrusts, kefir, gut microbiome, metagenomics, photography


(Thomas) Eli Null (Corinth, MS)
Nickname: "Eli," "Null value," "the Gentle Giant"
Class of 2025, University of Mississippi (B.A. Biology; minors: Math, Chemistry, and Spanish)

What’s up? I’m Eli Null, undergraduate researcher and the self-titled “tour guide” of the Hom Lab. My research here centers around the experimental evolution of synthetic fungal-algal mutualisms. In short, I set up “blind dates” between fungi and algae. My “mad scientist” work, I hope, will contribute to the field of evolutionary biology and advance sustainable efforts in largescale algaculture systems. Outside of the lab, I enjoy playing video games, tailgating with friends and family, and learning about life and all the things it provides.
Keywords: coevolution, franken-lichens, algaculture, video games, tailgating

(Catherine) Cas Simpson (Madison, MS)
Nickname: "Cas," "Kaukab"
Class of 2025, University of Mississippi (B.A. Biology and Arabic; minor: Chemistry)

Hi, my name is Cas Simpson! I’m incredibly excited to be a part of the lab and the Kefir project, and am looking forward to all that I can learn! Currently, I’m a pre-med student and also a member of the university’s Arabic Flagship program. I love biology, especially genetics, and in the future I hope to eventually work in the field. When I’m not busy hatching nefarious schemes for world domination, I like to read, paint, bake cheesecake, and take long walks on the many beaches Oxford Mississippi has to offer.
Keywords: kefir, biology, pre-med, genetics, cheesecake.

Danh Nguyen (Hattiesburg, MS)
Nickname: "Danh" (pronounced "Yah-nh" or "Zahn"), "crazy man," "You're Funny!", “xX_KefirLover3000_Xx”
Class of 2026, University of Mississippi (B.A. Psychology, minors: Biology, Chemistry, Sociology)

My name is Danh Nguyen, and I am excited to be a part of the Hom lab. I am currently on the kefir team; I joined the lab due to my interest in symbiotic relationships and microbiomes (very general, I know) and to gain lab experience. On campus, I am a part of the Sally McDonnell-Barksdale Honors College, the Luckyday Foundation, and Active Minds. I also work as a teaching assistant for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry! On the weekends, I often take trips outside the city to explore the various Trader Joes, zoos, and science museums that Oxford lacks :) In my limited free time, I campaign for the installation of a Target in Oxford.
Keywords: psychology, kefir, gut health, pre-med, zoos/aquariums, drinking milk everyday, flamingos (yes, really)

Destiney Davis (Yazoo City, MS)
Nickname: "Des," "Destiney"
Class of 2025, University of Mississippi (B.A. Biology)

I’m a proud transfer student from Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. I love animals so much that my long-term goal is to become a veterinarian specializing in feline medicine. I have a particular affection for cats, and I have two of my own—Beans and Bosco. In addition to my passion for animals, I also enjoy conducting research in the lab. My current projects involve a coevolution experiment and a culture-based study of microbial communities. When I’m not in the lab, I like to visit friends or work at the animal hospital. I also volunteer at various shelters and veterinary clinics.
Keywords: co-evolution, synthetic communities, algae, cats, animal love

(Richmond) Dow McCarty (Tupelo, MS)
Nickname: "Dow," "The New Kid on the Block," "Mr. Smiley"
Class of 2025, University of Mississippi (B.A. Finance, minor: Chemistry)

Hey! My name is Dow, and I am very excited to be working with the Hom lab. I will be doing research with the kefir team, creating different types of delicious kefir, experimenting on different ways to grow grains, etc. Currently, on campus, I am president of the pickleball club as well as the UM Smile Makers club, philanthropy chair for both the UM Toothfairy club and Alpha Tau Omega Delta Psi Chapter (whew! I'm busy...). In my free time I enjoy water sports, playing pickleball, trying new foods at Hom lab potlucks, and recently snowboarding! In the future, I plan to attend a respectable dental school and pay for tuition through the HPSP Air Force scholarship!
Keywords: kefir, dentistry, pickleball, show-me-the-money.

Daniel Shell (Oxford, MS)
Nickname: "Dan," "The-Man"
Class of 2026, University of Mississippi (B.A. Business)

My passion for medicine has driven me to pursue a career as a doctor, and I'm currently working towards that by diving into various areas of research, particularly participatory systems mapping. This area of study fascinates me because it allows me to explore complex systems and how different elements interact, which I believe will be incredibly valuable in understanding the intricacies of healthcare. When I'm not focused on my studies or research, you'll most likely find me outdoors. I have a deep appreciation for nature and love spending my free time hiking, camping, or simply exploring the natural world around me. These outdoor activities not only keep me active but also provide me with a sense of peace and balance, which is essential as I navigate the challenging path to medical school.
Keywords: participatory systems mapping, systems thinking, pre-med, outdoors, nature, hiking, camping, peace

Emerson Morris (Gulfport, MS)
Nickname: "Emmie," "Padwan"
Class of 2027, University of Mississippi (B.A. Biology and Public Policy Leadership; minor: Southern Studies)

Hi y’all! My name is Emerson Morris, and I am proud to be a part of the Hom Lab. I am particularly passionate about the overlap of STEM and politics, particularly in the realms of conservation, the farming world, and sustainable agriculture in the American South. Outside of the lab, I find great joy in tea making and tasting high quality brews. In my incredibly limited and highly sought-after spare time, I enjoy hiking, listening to bad 90’s rock music, reading, and being active in the UM campus community. I am excited to ask a million questions and learn as much as possible!
Keywords: marine algae, tea farming, Hawai’i, science policy, conservation, agriculture

Christian Thomas (Olive Branch, MS)
Nickname: "Chris," "Possum," "Riskey Slide," "Mouse"
Class of 2025, University of Mississippi (B.A. Biology, minor: Psychology)

Hello! I am very excited to be a part of the Hom lab even though I am really low-key and Dr. Hom thinks I'm too soft-spoken. My research mainly centers on Spirulina and its affinity for alkaline environments and how this can be applied to other areas of agriculture. After undergrad, I plan to do more research and eventually pursue a masters in virology. Some general interests of mine include: learning how things work, biology, reading and playing music, and video games.
Keywords: adaptation, coevolution, spirulina, algae, music, video games, soft-spoken

Matthew Parks (Plano, TX)
Nickname: "Matt," "The-Texan"
Class of 2026, University of Mississippi (B.A. General Business, minors: Biology, Chemistry)

After Ole Miss I am planning on attending medical school and becoming a doctor (no idea what kind yet). I am working on the marine polyculture and sloth algae projects. I am hoping to find ways to create better treatments for patients from a research perspective instead of a clinical one. I am also excited to begin working on my Honors thesis. I love watching any sport, playing pickleball at every hour of the day, and hanging out with my friends.
Keywords: marine algae, sloths, pre-med, pickleball, spectator

Nicole Hinkley-Kellum (she/her) (Water Valley, MS)
Nickname: "Nicci," "The Chef"
Class of 2028, University of Mississippi (B.S. Biology (Organismal))

Hey there, I’m Nicole. I’m thrilled to be on board with the Lab this year, working with the team studying kefir and gut health. I’m a returning student, making a shift back into Biology from the culinary world by getting “back on my B.S.”, if you will, with an emphasis in Organismal Biology. I joined the kefir lab as part of my pursuit to finish my degree, doing what I really love: assisting with tedious, endless, scientifically-based exploration. I’m here to shift my real-world experience into supporting the goals of the lab, and gain all the experience it has to offer in return. I’m into chaos gardening, thrifting, making and eating food, deep cuts of old music, and making surreal collage art.
Keywords: kefir, biology, organismal biology, plants, fungi, food, gardening, thrifting, old music, art

Kate (Mary) Digges (Williamsburg, VA)
Nickname: "Katie," "KitKat"
Class of 2027, University of Mississippi (B.A. Psychology, minors: Chemistry, Neuroscience)

My name is Kate Digges and I am so excited to be in the Hom Lab. I will be working in the kefir team and I am looking forward to learning in the lab. After undergrad, I hope to one day attend medical school. On campus, I am a part of the Sally McDonnell Honors College and Psychology Club. In my free time, I enjoy running and swimming and competing in marathons and triathlons.
Keywords: kefir, running, pre-med, psychology, gut health, triathlons
